Tuesday, August 2, 2011

In the meantime...

Like most people lately, the first words out of my mouth are "I went to the new Target yesterday..." Holy god it is like a city unto itself. I am not sure how to feel about having so many choices. Do I want the plain clorox bleach, or the lavender scented bleach. Beguiling to stare down a whole row of face wash, then a whole OTHER row of toothpaste, and be forced to choose. Which one is right? Which one says the right thing about me as a person? I will say I got probably the softest pair of underwear I have ever owned, that alone was worth the existential crisis. 15 days until liftoff. I am in an eerie state of calm, even though there is so much to do. I estimate this will last a few more days, then I will be thrown into the crushing anxiety of actually leaving. In the meantime I am supposed to be writing papers that are due on arrival, finishing a zine, starting my research project etc. But instead I go watch trashy romcoms and sleep until 11. Old habits are hard to break and I am a compulsive procrastinator (but really, I would like to meet someone who isn't).

1 comment:

  1. Please take a camera with you and upload to your blog while you are on your walkabout..you can do it Megatron!
